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Friday, September 27, 2013

One week untill kick off.

Once again we talked about getting new members for MPIRG so if you are a cool enough guy/girl to join please contact me. (koon@augsburg.edu)

Other then that we also wanted to work with the LGBTQA on something but due to miss communication they took it the wrong way because our representative used feminine terms when he shouldn't have. (she instead of ze) The issue which he was addressing was getting free tampons in women's bathrooms. Now being male I have no idea what going through menstruation is like, but to my understanding tampons should be like toilet paper in the bathroom.

Now for some honesty. Looking back we don't usually get along with other campus sponsored groups first Res-life and now this. Ellie Kruger, one of our campus organizers, thinks its because we get things done around here and I agree.

Here is a link to the Face book event: https://www.facebook.com/events/623405421023820/

Friday, September 20, 2013

Ally Trainning

Today we were coming up with Ideas on how we can gain more members to join our weekly meetings so I'm going to do my part and use this blog!

Do you care about social justice issues? Would you like to see improvements around not only Augsburg, but the rest your community as well? Want to impress that hot hippie chick?

Meetings every Thursday from 5:30 PM-6:30 PM inside Marshall room

Mike Gerwe, leader of Augsburg's LGBTQIA club was also there to give us all ally training which deals with how to interact with the LGBTQIA community. He told us about pronouns, stereotypes, and gender identification. Back when things were simple, people just used male and female and based it on body parts, then treated them as such (man or woman). Nowadays its more complex.  People are showing more deviation form the traditional male/female categorization and instead coming up with something else to be called by. Not to mention that gender roles is starting to become less relevant.

Links: www.forge-forward.org  www.glbta.umn.edu/trans

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Draft post-introdution

Hey there fellow classmates (among others). I am Tim Koon and this is my blog talking about MPIRG!

First off what is MPIRG? Well curious reader, MPIRG stands for Minnesota Public Interest Research Group, this means we are an activist group looking out for what we think is good for our fellow Minnesotans. We've got members from all across the state and Minneapolis is ,of course, no exception.

I will be updating our plans for Augsburg here but If you would like more information on us as a whole, visit our website in the link below: